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In the ever-evolving world of vaping, collaborations between brands and influencers have become a powerful way to innovate and create unique products. One such remarkable collaboration is the creation of the Stubby AIO, a device that has captured the attention of vapers worldwide. This blog post delves into the story of how Suicide Mods, Vaping Bogan, Orca Vape, and MNCH (Monarchy) came together to bring this exceptional device to life.

The Genesis of the Collaboration

The idea for the Stubby AIO began with a shared vision among three prominent names in the vaping community: Suicide Mods, Vaping Bogan, and Orca Vape. Each brought their unique expertise and perspective to the table, aiming to create an all-in-one (AIO) device that would cater to vapers of all experience levels.

Suicide Mods is known for its innovative and high-quality vaping hardware. Their reputation for pushing the boundaries of design and functionality made them a perfect partner for this ambitious project.

Vaping Bogan, a well-known vaping influencer and reviewer, brought a deep understanding of what vapers want in a device. His insights into user preferences and trends were invaluable in shaping the Stubby AIO.

Orca Vape contributed their technical expertise and manufacturing capabilities, ensuring that the device would not only be innovative but also reliable and well-built.

The Birth of the Stubby AIO

The collaboration officially kicked off with the goal of creating a device that was both versatile and user-friendly. The result was the Stubby AIO, an 80-watt device that features a proprietary wire-free chipset, making maintenance a breeze while offering extensive customization options.

The Stubby AIO can be used in Boro configuration with a favorite bridge/RBA or with the proprietary RDTA, providing flexibility for different vaping styles. The device’s design emphasizes both form and function, ensuring it meets the needs of both novice and experienced vapers

The MNCH (Monarchy) Limited Edition

The collaboration took an exciting turn with the introduction of the MNCH (Monarchy) Limited Edition. This edition features the renowned DNA60 chipset, known for its precision and reliability. The DNA60 chipset allows for easy maintenance and customization, further enhancing the device’s appeal

The MNCH edition also includes the Ether Boro tank, developed alongside the mod, which offers excellent flavor and vapor production. This limited edition is designed to be accessible to vapers of all levels, making it a standout in the market.

Unique Features and Innovations

Several unique features set the Stubby AIO apart from other AIO devices:

  • Wire-Free Chipset: The proprietary wire-free chipset simplifies maintenance and enhances the device’s durability.
  • Versatility: The Stubby AIO can be used with any Boro-compatible tank, thanks to the included adapter, or with the proprietary RDTA
  • Customization: The device supports various accessories and modifications, allowing users to tailor their vaping experience to their preference.
  • Design and Build Quality: The collaboration ensured that the Stubby AIO not only performs well but also looks and feels premium. The use of high-quality materials and attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the device.

The Impact on the Vaping Community

The Stubby AIO has been well-received by the vaping community, praised for its innovative design, ease of use, and versatility. The collaboration between Suicide Mods, Vaping Bogan, Orca Vape, and MNCH has set a new standard for what can be achieved when industry leaders come together with a shared vision.


The story of the Stubby AIO is a testament to the power of collaboration in the vaping industry. By combining their strengths, Suicide Mods, Vaping Bogan, Orca Vape, and MNCH have created a device that stands out in a crowded market. The Stubby AIO is not just a product; it is a symbol of what can be achieved when passion, expertise, and innovation come together. Whether you are a novice vaper or a seasoned enthusiast, the Stubby AIO offers a unique and customizable vaping experience that is sure to impress.